Saturday, 27 December 2014

London City

I was lucky enough to be asked to take some London city photos for a MD of an investment bank who was leaving the company, and as a farewell gift they wanted to give him a gift he would remember his time working at the bank.

This was an exciting venture for me as most of the time I am shooting in studio.  I have done some night city scape photography before so it was nice to get back in the city and start capturing the images.

The customer went with one image printed at A1 size.  It was then mounted and framed, a very nice big wall hanging in the end.

Below is the final image which was chosen.

With one of the other images they liked, they asked if I could make a farewell card with it, which I did.

The card image chosen.

The feedback I received was really amazing and I felt very privileged that they chose me to create their farewell gift.

As a photographer you tend to stick to one type of photography, but when you get approached to do something you haven't done in a while you should never say no.  

I enjoyed my time in the streets of London and look forward to what 2015 will bring.

Saturday, 15 November 2014


I recently created my first blog on a pet promotion I ran and how well it has done, and not to forget the amount of fun it has been.  The most common pet to be brought in for their portrait has been the dog, however recently I was lucky enough to do a shoot for 2 cats.

I am unfortunately allergic to cats so before the shoot I took my antihistamine tablets and I was good to go. Not a single sniff or itchy eye in site, I was a machine and having loads of fun capturing the cats.

The owner of the cats was very good, calm and relaxed which is great, especially with pet portraits. As soon as the owners start stressing out and feel they letting the photographer down that is when things turn for the worse.  Keep the owners calm and happy and the pets will follow too, so that is the idea!

As much as I love taking dog portraits I do look forward to a variety of other animals coming in, especially some more cats.

I am going to get my hands on a bearded dragon soon to take some 'portraits' of, which I am looking forward to and will share.  Until then enjoy some of the images from my cat portrait shoot.

Sean Fernandes Photography...

Don't Smile!

Can you see that??

Enjoy what you do and do what you enjoy...

Monday, 27 October 2014

Our Dogs our Children

I have recently run a pet portrait offer and am blown away on the take up.  The number of pet owners out there who love their pets just as much as their own kids, and if not more!  Some of these pets have been a part of the family for many, many years, and the love and bond is still going strong, it really is amazing to see.  It is also great fun when puppies come in and all they want to do is play and have fun, not time for posing or sitting still.

I have had various dogs come in to have their portrait taken and what great fun it is.  This is a good time for the pet and the owner to bond, and get those puppy lessons back in action.  I do warn the owner that they will have their work cut out for them during the session but the results are all worth it. 

All pet portraits I have done have been in studio and it has been fun, making every noise I can possible to get the dogs attention.  Not to forget when I had an old dog come in which was deaf and his eyes site going, that was a challenge to get his attention but it all paid off in the end.  It sure has been great fun taking pet portraits and something I will keep doing.

I do look forward to shooting other animals in the near future also, just have to see if they fit through the door.